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We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

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Waterlogic employees

Where will your career take you next?

The people here at Waterlogic don’t just work for Waterlogic, they are Waterlogic. They’re what make our company great. And to continue excelling, we’re looking for the best and brightest people to join our global team.

Why work for Waterlogic?

A company you’ll be proud of

It’s our mission to provide access globally to the best drinking water solutions, to all organisations, in a safe and environmentally-sustainable way.

Waterlogic values

Values you’ll admire

Promoting good health, diversity, sustainable and responsible business practices, and raising awareness of plastic pollution and energy efficiency mean a great deal to us.

Watrerlogic employees

Stability you’ll be glad of

Enjoy peace of mind belonging to an expanding company with a strong and stable heritage, celebrating almost 30 years in business.

Waterlogic employee

Space you’ll love to work in

We’ve worked hard to create a relaxed, inspiring and enjoyable work environment in our many locations around the world.

People you’ll want to work with

We’ve cultivated a fun and dynamic working environment by focusing on bringing in the right people to join the Waterlogic family.

Rewards you’ll enjoy

We give our employees a platform to be themselves, grow as people and excel in their role, and we acknowledge their achievements, no matter how big or small.

Looking for a change of scenery?

With offices in many locations around the world, from the Americas, Europe to Australasia and China, working for Waterlogic offers you the opportunity to spread your wings and experience something completely new.

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