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Double test success for Waterlogic Firewall with WHO (World Health Organisation) and microbiologist Dr. Gerba


After numerous tests around the world, Waterlogic Firewall has continuously proven its effectiveness against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. If further, conclusive proof were needed, two further tests have given the ultimate reassurance of outstanding purification for drinking water.

Two tests were independently conducted by WHO (World Health Organisation) and Dr. Charles P. Gerba who is a renowned American microbiologist. The WHO tests established Waterlogic Firewall was the only drinking water UV purification system that met their strict international requirements for water treatment technologies, achieving the highest marks with 99.9999% reduction in bacteria and 99.999% in viruses. This lead to an overall top level classification of providing ‘Comprehensive Protection’. The findings from tests performed by Dr. Gerba, were published in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) and demonstrated that drinking water treated with Firewall had 0% presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Compared to this the test found tap water and tap water with a carbon filter had presence of 5.4% and 33.3% Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively.


Dr. Gerba Test

This test looked at the effective use of ultraviolet light within a faucet (tap) to eliminate Pseudomonas aeruginosa in drinking water. Dr. Gerba who headed up the test, is best known for his work in environmental germ theory in the household and in the workplace. Many refer to Dr. Gerba as the ‘Germ Guru’.

What is Pseudomonas aeruginosa? It is a tough bacterial strain, able to survive in harsh environments. It does not usually cause illness in healthy people, but is described as an "opportunistic" organism, causing serious infection when our normal defences are weakened. This means that it represents a genuine threat to the most vulnerable hospital patients, most commonly intensive care patients, those with depleted immune systems such as cancer patients, people with severe burns and premature babies in neonatal units.

The tests were looking for potential presence of any Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other waterborne pathogens which are major concerns in health care environments. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was measured in dispensed water from three sources; tap water, water from a faucet mounted activated carbon filter at the point-of-use (POU) and water from a Firewall ultraviolet (UV) treated Waterlogic Firewall machine.

Water samples were collected from sink taps and water coolers located in offices, break rooms, conference rooms, hospital patient rooms, nursing homes and laboratories. The sample sites were across the US and included locations in Arizona, Nebraska, Maryland and Florida. The Waterlogic Firewall machines used had been in operation for periods lasting from 6-34 months. The other point-of-use (POU) machines containing only activated carbon had been in operation for 1-4 months. The tap water was supplied by local water utilities and disinfected with chlorine.


The results found the occurrence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa across the three sources as follows:

No Pseudomonas aeruginosa at all (0%) was detected in the 30 different Waterlogic Firewall dispensers that feature UV light, meaning the water was bacteria free. In comparison Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found in the tap water and water from the faucet mounted device with just a carbon filter. The issue with carbon filters is because they remove chlorine and organic matter, they become an environment where Pseudomonas aeruginosa may grow.

WHO (World Health Organisation) Test

Concerning the WHO tests, Waterlogic Firewall is the only drinking water UV purification system that has met their strict international requirements for Water Treatment Technologies.

The product tested by WHO was the Waterlogic Hybrid, utilising the UV patented Waterlogic proprietary Firewall technology. Firewall purification system is also used in Waterlogic machines including: WL4; WL3; WL2 and Cube. WHO have established this test to evaluate and approve water treatment products to ensure they provide efficient and adequate pathogen protection.

The tests were conducted by WHO in collaboration with NSF International to measure the reduction of three key pathogens in water: bacteria; viruses; and protozoa. Results were categorised by WHO into different tiers. Only products which can provide a comprehensive pathogen protection are approved by WHO.


Waterlogic Firewall achieved the highest marks with 99.9999% reduction in bacteria and 99.999% in viruses. An excellent result was also achieved for Protozoa with a 99.9% reduction. Overall Firewall achieved an outstanding Tier 2 status for Comprehensive Protection from the three main classes of pathogens. This is an exceptional result unmatched by other products.

How are Waterlogic Firewall dispensers so good at drinking water purification?

Dr. Gerba and WHO concluded 0Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 99.9999% bacteria, 99.999% viruses and 99.9% protozoa. These exceptional results are because Firewall machines are the only water dispenser machines that purify drinking water right up to the point-of-dispense. The UV purifier sanitizes the dispense nozzle and purifies the water literally as it falls into the glass. This means there is no chance of the water picking up germs in the machine before you can enjoy it.